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Notary Services


What is the Apostille and when is it needed?

An Apostille (Apostille) is a certification established in the Hague Convention of 1961; The United States became a signatory to the Convention in 1981. The form contains numbered fields that allow the country receiving the document to understand it, regardless of the official language of the issuing country.

What is the Apostille used for? The purpose of the Apostille is to «eliminate the requirement for diplomatic or consular legalization of foreign public documents.» Once the Apostille is completed, it certifies the authenticity of the signature, the capacity in which the person has acted when signing the document before a notary. Eliminate waiting time at Consulates or long trips to consular offices. Documents with apostille certification do not require consular validation and are equivalent to carrying out a consular procedure.

Requirements to Apostille a document:
Present the procedure before an authorized notary.
Verify that the country in which the document is to be used is within the Hague Convention (link to list of countries Https://

Present the document before the notary with an identification, in this case the identity documents of your country of origin are recommended. Time to apostille a document? Processing times to certify a document by Apostille depend on the processes of each state, however, the location of the offices of the Departments of State and internal processing times must be taken into consideration; In other words, the procedures will depend on mailing times, processing days within the Secretary of State’s office, and the return of the procedure by mail.

What type of documents can be apostilled?
✓ Powers Affidavits.
✓ Marriage, Divorce and Death Certificates.
✓ Documents issued by the Court (Acts or judgments of any kind).
✓ Certified Copies of any document.
Invitation card.
✓ Exit permits and authorizations.
✓ Translations.
✓ Agreements and contracts wills Notarized documents in physical or virtual presence.

What is marriage?

Marriage is the legal union by will between two people, with the aim of a full community between them, in a stable and lasting way.

A full legal agreement is established between the two, which is effective from the moment the marriage license is signed and is finally concluded with the celebration before an acting public official and in the presence of witnesses.

At present, the definition that established the union between a man and a woman has been discarded, because these concepts are outdated. Both spouses are considered regardless of their status or sexual orientation.

Requirements to get married in Texas:

Be over 18 years of age or have parental consent.
Apply for the marriage license in the courts of the County where you want to have the wedding. Once the license is granted, you have 60 days to celebrate the wedding before the competent authority.
Present a form of identification for both citizens and foreigners
Have 2 witnesses preferably.

Who can officiate a wedding?

Members appointed and duly authorized by the Texas courts
Duly authorized priests, pastors or rabbis.

Certificates in the United States
We process and obtain certificates issued by the US authorities, including:

Birth Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Divorce Certificates
Death Certificates
Good Standing company certificates

What these certificates are used for:
The aforementioned certificates are used to carry out various procedures, as examples we will mention:

Birth certificates are used to register our children in their country of origin and thus obtain a second nationality, establish parental authority for minors, process foreign passports, exit or travel permits, paternity acknowledgments, etc.

Marriage and Divorce Certificates are used to update the Civil Status in the countries of origin, carry out family patrimony procedures, division of assets, custody of minors, etc.

Death Certificates for the effective possession of assets, register the death of our relatives, inheritance claims, etc.
Certificates of Good Standing or good reputation of the companies, these can be used to participate in foreign tenders, to register trademarks, to open branches in other countries, etc.

For all these documents we offer you our translation and apostille services so that you can carry out the legal and administrative procedures you need in your country of origin or abroad.

General powers are divided into three types:

General power of attorney for lawsuits and collections. By means of this power, the agent has the faculties to carry out all kinds of trials and to be able to make collections on behalf of another person.
General power of attorney for acts of administration. It is a power of attorney for the agent to manage her assets and interests, such as her bank accounts or businesses.
General power of domain acts. It is a power that enables to make purchases, donations, mortgages of personal property. The agent may act as if he considered himself the owner of the assets, with the same powers in all the assets of the principal. He can even exceed his functions, beyond what the power has entrusted to him and to his detriment.

Special Power of Attorney: In this case, a proxy is empowered for a specific legal act on which the action falls. It can refer to getting married, to a specific transfer, to accepting an inheritance.

This type of power is for a single act and in a specific way and is automatically extinguished at the conclusion of the act or matter. Provides greater security to the grantor, because the attorney cannot intervene in matters other than the specific one for which he was appointed.

There are as many types of powers as legal acts or businesses are admitted with representation. All powers require specific wording and treatment in accordance with the law.

For this reason, the notary must be explained why and for what purpose the power of attorney is desired. It will be the notary who impartially advises the person on the best option that suits their representation needs in accordance with the Law.

There are also certain situations in which representation is not allowed, such as to make a will.

International recognition of powers

Powers of attorney usually have international recognition, if they complete certain administrative requirements called legalization, which consists of an apostille that certifies their authenticity and is made on public documents to be recognized in other countries.

In The Hague Convention, signatory countries have the benefit of having the legal validity of these documents recognized. At present they are practically all the countries of the world. Therefore, this power of attorney is very valid.

Requirements to create a power of attorney:

Copy of identification of the principal.
Full details of the agent (full name and residence address).
Detail of the object or intention of the power.

What is a legal translation?

Legal translation is one that is responsible for translating from one language to another legal and administrative texts of public entities or private companies.

This type of translation is carried out by a competent person who understands the languages in which the translation is being carried out and is legalized by the certification of a notary who knows the translator and his skill.

This type of translation is used for international administrative or legal procedures. To be valid abroad, it must be accompanied by an Apostille Certification for the countries participating in the Hague Convention (link list of countries Https://

What is a will?
The will is the legal document that contains the method of distribution of a person’s assets after his death, as well as other types of legal provisions. It is also known as his last will.
The person who makes the will is called the testator and must follow the legal requirements required by the laws of each state to leave a well-executed and valid will.

Legal requirements of wills depend on each state since they have their own laws regarding the validity of the will, although with minimal variations.

Requirements for the Testator

You must be at least 18 years old.
His mental capacity must be aware, that is, to be in «sane mind», he must be aware of the execution of the will, the effects and consequences that he will have and the parties that will benefit.
Distribution of goods
Clearly establish the distribution of assets and their beneficiaries.

What is an agreement?

An agreement is an arrangement, collaboration, or pact between two parties or individuals that is informal in nature.

At present there is a popular saying that says «words are carried away by the wind», this is very true, people act according to their convenience. It is very important to avoid conflicts and/or misunderstandings, for this it is advisable to write an agreement where the duties, obligations and benefits of the parties are established, the fact of signing this agreement in the presence of a notary acquires legal value for a future claim before a legal authority or can be used in mediation by a third party.

Requirements to prepare an Agreement:

Full names of the parties involved in the Agreement.
Purpose or reason for the agreement in detail
validity period.
It is advisable to do it in front of a Notary.
Copy of the documents that prove the identity of the parties.
The document should be Notarized so that it has legal value.
In Notario Latino you will find a person who can help you in the most appropriate drafting of the agreement

What is a corporation?

It is a legal business entity owned by its own shareholders, who select a board to oversee the organization’s activities. The corporation is responsible for the actions and finances of the business. Corporations can be for-profit like businesses, or non-profit like charities.

Types of Corporations

C or Incorporated Corporations: These are larger organizations owned by many shareholders, who may have other businesses.
Subchapter S Corporations or LLCs: These are usually smaller businesses owned by a single shareholder.


Like other businesses, corporations provide liability protection to their owners, who are called shareholders.
Companies looking to raise money from investors will find it easier as a corporation, which can sell ownership interest.
Corporations pay taxes, but much less than what an individual pays.
Potential employees feel more secure in belonging to a corporation.
The corporation can offer a medical reimbursement plan, deducting the cost of health insurance for its employees while benefiting them from taxes.

Form a Corporation
Corporations are often formed in the state where the business operates, but they don’t necessarily have to be. The next step is to create the Articles of Incorporation, which are filed in the state in which the corporation is being created. This includes:

✓ The name and physical address of the business.
✓ A description of the goods and services of the business.
✓ The name and address of the registered agent, or the person authorized to receive special notices.
✓ The number of shares issued and to whom.
✓ The name of the administrator or authorized agents

And then create by statute, the rules of the corporation.

How often does the board of directors meet and when?
Whether the business operates on a calendar or by fiscal year
How long board members can serve
The rules to change in the statutes.
The bylaws can be amended as needed once the corporation is formed.

– Visas de estudiantes internacionales F-1​
* Extensiones OPT para graduados de STEM
– Visas H-1B para Ocupaciones Especiales

– Trabajadores Temporales No Agrícolas H-2B

– Visas H-3 para aprendices
– I Visa para Representante de Medios Extranjeros
- Programas de Intercambio Internacional J-1​
– Visas de prometido K-1/K-3
– L-1A Ejecutivos/Gerentes multinacionales transferidos dentro de la empresa
– L-1B Transferencia dentro de la empresa Conocimiento especializado
-M-1 Estudiantes Vocacionales
-O Visas por Habilidad Extraordinaria
– Visas P para deportistas, artistas o animadores reconocidos internacionalmente
– Visa Q para Programas de Intercambio Cultural
– Visas R-1 para Trabajadores Religiosos
– Visas TN para profesionales del TLCAN

– Visas de estudiantes internacionales F-1​
Inmigración Familiar
​​​- Cónyuges e hijos menores de ciudadanos estadounidenses
-Hijos e Hijas de Ciudadano Estadounidense
– Hijos e hijas casados de ciudadanos estadounidenses
– Hermanos y hermanas de ciudadanos estadounidenses
– Cónyuges e hijos menores de residentes permanentes
-Hijos e hijas solteros de residentes permanentes

– Solicitudes de Asilo Afirmativo
– Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA)
– Ajuste de Estatus a Estatus de Residente Permanente Legal (LPR)
– Permisos de Trabajo (EAD)
– Libertad Condicional Avanzada (AP)
– Tramitación Consular
– Cambios de estatus dentro de los EE. UU.
-Respuestas a Solicitudes de Evidencia (RFE)

Document Notarization

When Do I Need a Notary?




Divorce and Death Certificates

Documents issued by the Court (Acts or judgments of any kind)Certified Copies of any document

Invitation card

Agreements and contracts


Notarized documents in physical presence


Exit permits and authorizations
